Cerigo operates manufacturing facilities strategically located within India. Approved by local statutory authorities, these facilities have integrated quality systems and processes to ensure compliance to ISO norms. We make continuous investments in the upgradation of manufacturing facilities with particular emphasis on deploying advanced machinery, enabling us to consistently produce high-quality products at an affordable cost. These attributes make us a partner of choice for significant players in the industry.
Mindful & optimal use of resources, refined & redundancy-free processes enable Cerigo’s operations to contribute towards economic & ecological sustainability.
Cerigo takes a proactive role in tackling the challenges of environment protection and minimising the impact of industrial activity on the ecosystem. In-house ETP operations along with public and private ancillary alliances provide Cerigo with a robust waste management system that aligns with its vision for sustainability.
Cerigo’s research and development department is led by a highly qualified team of scientists. Development of novel and challenging chemistries provide a foundation to expand and improve upon existing chemistries. Cerigo is well equipped to provide regulatory support for bodies such as USEPA, REACH, and ECHA’s BPR.
Safe work practices are imbibed through communication at every level. We educate each management and supervisory staff member to accept their responsibility towards the safety of employees and comply with regulatory standards. And the decision to deploy any process or plant machinery and material will be assessed for its impact on health and safety.
Cerigo operates manufacturing facilities strategically located within India. Approved by local statutory authorities, these facilities have integrated quality systems and processes to ensure adherence to ISO norms. We make continuous investments in upgradation of manufacturing facilities with special emphasis on deploying advanced machinery, enabling us to consistently produce high quality products at an affordable cost. It is these attributes that make us a partner of choice for major players in the industry.
Get in touch with us for any queries related to the Production & Export of specialty chemicals.